
Author name: Erin Enright

Aquatic PT at Axis

Axis PT & Rehab is proud to offer an on-site aquatic therapy pool, kept at a warm 98° for your rehab needs. Make your rehabilitation easier with individualized exercise in our warm water pool. Guided off-site aquatic therapy at a community pool is also an option we offer to our physical therapy patients. Aquatic Therapy

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Easing Back Pain

Core strengthening exercises can be a helpful treatment option for many types of back problems as it helps to restore balance in the muscles around the spine. Focus is placed on strengthening the abdominal muscles to be able to give stabilization to the spine. Rehab programs or preventative rehab programs that focus on strengthening lumbar

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The Joy of Movement

Health psychologist and author, Kelly McGonigal writes in her new book about the wonderful mental benefits of even gentle and mild exercise: “Among its many life-altering rewards: the generation of hope, happiness, a sense of purpose, greater life satisfaction and rewarding connections with others.” “These benefits are seen throughout the life span,” she writes. “They

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Easing Shoulder Pain

Here Ellen Maloney, DPT is helping her patient to learn a more advanced scapular stabilization exercise. The scapula is the base of support to the shoulder joint and all movements of the arm. Poor scapular stabilization can contribute to a variety of problems such as:shoulder impingement, shoulder instability, neck strain, nerve entrapment, and muscle strains.

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