Physical Therapy & Rehab, Inc

Physical Therapy & Rehab, Inc

Self Care

Rehabbing Fozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder (or adhesive capsulitis) is a condition where the shoulder is stiff, painful, and has limited movement in all directions. Exercises are usually the cornerstone of treatment. Physical therapists can help people control pain and stiffness, and restore movement in a safe way. It’s helpful to warm up the shoulder before performing exercises. A hot shower or bath or heating pad is good. Then we use exercises to help with movement and strength. Your therapist might focus on stretches for the chest muscles and the back of the shoulder, external rotation stretches, and strengthening exercises are added to maintain muscle strength. Isometrics are exercises that require no joint movement and can be done without worrying about increasing pain in the shoulder. Pictured is a patient performing a forward flexion isometric strengthening exercise. 1. Stand facing a wall.2. Bend the elbow on the side of the shoulder you want to exercise and make a fist.3. Place a folded towel between your fist and the wall, and gently press your hand into the wall.4. Hold for five seconds, and then slowly release. A Physical Therapist will help you to align your posture during this exercise in the most effective way for rehabbing your shoulder. References for additional reading:…/stretching-exercises……/physical-therapy-guide-to… Return to Home Page

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Yoga pose

Yoga for Chronic Pain

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Join Adriene for this 25 min yoga practice for chronic pain that you can do on a mat or seated in a chair.  Chronic pain can play a large role in the mind-body relationship. Regular at-home yoga is a great tool to help with the daily functions of those suffering from chronic pain. This gentle yoga practice helps you to explore these tools of yoga and how they can support you on your journey toward healing and feeling better. Cultivate more harmony with the breath & body.  Find What Feels Good. Optional Props:BlanketChair Return to Home Page

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The Joy of Movement

Health psychologist and author, Kelly McGonigal writes in her new book about the wonderful mental benefits of even gentle and mild exercise: “Among its many life-altering rewards: the generation of hope, happiness, a sense of purpose, greater life satisfaction and rewarding connections with others.” “These benefits are seen throughout the life span,” she writes. “They apply to every socioeconomic strata and appear to be culturally universal.” Author Kelly McGonigal argues that we should look beyond weight loss to the many social and emotional benefits of exercise. Read more and get the book at NPR…   Return to Home Page

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